Those who transform now,
will secure the future.
Only a modern ERP System unlocks AI Potential
The Future starts Now
The foundation for AI and future readiness:
A modern ERP
The fashion and retail industry is facing enormous challenges: trends are changing faster than ever, customers expect seamless shopping experiences, and sustainability is now a must. To meet these demands and remain future-proof in the long term, a solid technological foundation is essential.
A modern ERP system not only drives efficiency but also serves as the foundation for artificial intelligence, automation, and digital innovation.

Today, companies use AI tools to sustainably enhance efficiency and speed. Just as ChatGPT has transformed our daily lives, AI-powered solutions can significantly optimize business processes and create competitive advantages.
However, the key to business success lies in a modern ERP system. Only with a robust technological foundation can you fully harness the potential of AI and successfully shape your digital transformation.
SPH combines experience and innovation: With proven AI technologies and a clear industry focus, we help you enhance efficiency, secure competitive advantages, and prepare your business for the future – all powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365.

IN:FASHION combines scalability, efficiency and dedicated industry focus– ideal for international brands as well as emerging labels with ambitious goals.
Built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and AI-powered technologies IN:FASHION delivers proven results that make an impact.
- Flexibility for diverse requirements: IN:FASHION adapts to your business size and unique business models – regardless of the complexity of your processes.
- Modern architecture, innovative processes: Perfectly tailored to the needs of medium-sized businesses as well as the demands of large international corporations. With IN:FASHION, built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and K3, we offer you the ideal solution – a future-proof investment that is fair and precisely aligned with your requirements and business size
- Future-readiness through innovation: IN:FASHION lays the foundation for data-driven decisions, AI-powered processes, and sustainable growth – everything you need for your digital transformation.
With IN:FASHION, you ensure your long-term competitiveness and efficiency while benefiting from a solution that is tailored to your specific needs.
Act Now!
We look forward to your inquiry.
Discover how a scalable ERP platform combined with innovative AI solutions can secure sustainable competitive advantages through a future-oriented and fair investment.
Contact us today!
Together, we will develop the perfect solution, tailored to the unique requirements of your business.
ERP, das passt
IN:FASHION ENTERPRISE und COMPACT: Immer das passende ERP für Ihr Unternehmen
Unsere ERP-Lösungen IN:FASHION ENTERPRISE und IN:FASHION COMPACT sind perfekt auf die Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens abgestimmt – ob globaler Konzern oder aufstrebendes Unternehmen.
Basierend auf Microsoft Dynamics 365 bieten sie Stabilität, Skalierbarkeit und modernste Technologie. Ergänzt wird dies durch unsere Branchenexpertise: Mit technischem Know-how und jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in Fashion & Retail gestalten wir jedes Projekt individuell und maßgeschneidert.
Jetzt die zukunft gestalten
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage.
Sie möchten mehr über unsere ERP-Lösungen und den Einsatz von KI erfahren?
Wir stehen Ihnen gerne für ein persönliches Gespräch zur Verfügung.
Kontaktieren Sie uns und erfahren Sie, wie wir Ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich voranbringen können.
Effizienz neu definiert
Die Branche stellt hohe Anforderungen -
Wir haben die Expertise und Lösungen
Künstliche Intelligenz definiert Effizienz, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Umsatzsteigerung neu – innovative Technologien sind daher heute unverzichtbar. Mit unseren ERP-Lösungen auf Basis von Microsoft Dynamics 365 steigern Sie die Effizienz Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse und nutzen das volle Potenzial. So treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen und sichern sich einen Wettbewerbsvorsprung in einem dynamischen Markt.
Moderne ERP-Systeme wachsen mit Ihrem Unternehmen und passen sich flexibel an neue Märkte an. Mit IN:FASHION bleiben Sie agil und bestens aufgestellt, egal ob bei neuen Produkten oder internationalen Märkten.
KI-gestützte Tools automatisieren Routineaufgaben, sparen Zeit und Kosten. IN:FASHION ermöglicht datengetriebene Abläufe und eröffnet neue Chancen für innovative Geschäftsmodelle.
Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen dank Echtzeit-Analysen. IN:FASHION bietet umfassende Insights, damit Sie schneller reagieren und Ihre Ziele sicher erreichen.
Optimieren Sie die Customer Journey mit integrierten Prozessen, die Ihre Kundenzufriedenheit steigern. Mit IN:FASHION gestalten Sie Einkaufserlebnisse, die begeistern und binden.
Regelmäßige Updates sorgen für Flexibilität und Sicherheit. Mit IN:FASHION sind Sie vorbereitet auf gesetzliche Anforderungen und technologische Trends.
Optimieren Sie Bestände, vermeiden Sie Überproduktion und senken Sie Kosten. Mit IN:FASHION nutzen Sie Ihre Ressourcen effizient und steigern nachhaltig Ihre Margen.
Real Resultse
measurable and impactful
Without a modern ERP, there’s no efficient AI.
Without AI, you risk falling behind.
These figures highlight the successes of our customers who rely on AI-based replenishment powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365. But this is just the beginning.
For even more efficient inventory management, a range of AI solutions is available: AI:INITIAL-DISTRIBUTOR, AI:REPLENISH, AI:RE-DISTRIBUTOR, and soon AI:RE-ORDER as well as AI:BUYER. These tools provide extensive opportunities to take your inventory flow to the next level.

Proven increase in total revenue for fashion retailers through optimized inventory management with AI.

Increasing revenue leads to significantly more profitable business figures.

Only 2%
At the end of the season, AI-powered inventory management reduces surplus from 5% to just 2%.
Act Now!
We look forward to your inquiry.
Discover how a scalable ERP platform and innovative AI solutions can help you achieve competitive advantages. Whether you aim to optimize global processes or enter new markets, we’re here to support you in reaching your goals.
Contact us today: Together, we’ll find the solution perfectly tailored to your business needs.
50 years of expertise for your success
SPH – Your Partner for Digital Excellence in Fashion, Sports, Lifestyle, and Retail
Since 1975, SPH has stood for innovation, industry expertise, and tailored solutions in the fashion and retail sectors. As a Microsoft Gold Partner and leading provider of ERP and AI technologies, we combine deep process knowledge with cutting-edge technology to drive your digital transformation and secure your long-term competitiveness.
With SPH, you gain more than just a technology provider—you gain a strategic partner who understands your industry and works with you to shape the future of your business.
100% Industry Focus and Process Expertise
With 100% specialization in fashion, sports, and lifestyle, we cover all business models—from manufacturers and wholesalers to retailers, omnichannel, and e-commerce. Our expertise spans all processes: from product development and procurement to logistics, marketing, retail, finance, and strategic planning.
Technology and Innovation
Our Microsoft Dynamics 365-based solutions integrate AI tools such as Microsoft CoPilot, WAIR.AI, and Rezolve AI, enabling you to leverage the new possibilities of artificial intelligence immediately and achieve better business results within just a few months.
Holistic Consulting
Our 360° consulting approach supports you through every phase of your project—from strategic planning and implementation to ongoing support. With the proven SPIM project methodology, we ensure fast, efficient, and cost-effective results.

Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance in a record time of just 3 months
"The way and professionalism with which the SPH project team addressed the specific needs of our employees and found solutions to various challenges were impressive and contributed to a high level of acceptance of the solution within the company."
Meinhard Iken, CFO at DIGEL AG

NILE strengthens its market position and drives growth with state-of-the-art IT solutions.
"With SPH, we had a strong partner who ensured a smooth project progression. Their expertise elevated our IT structure to the highest level while keeping customer needs at the forefront."
Richard Maier, CFO of Nile Clothing AG
Contact request
Whether it’s optimizing your processes, integrating AI, or scaling your business – we are here as your partner.
Contact us to discover how we can work together to develop a tailored solution for your needs.
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