AI Executive Briefings

Empower your speed & Efficiency

In our exclusive executive briefings, top managers learn how AI is changing the rules in the fashion and retail industry. Learn how the strategic use of this technology can improve your efficiency, that of your team and the automation of business processes with Automated AI.

Increasing efficiency

Discover the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – a game-changer for efficiency and innovation at all levels of your organisation. From reshaping the way top managers work with smart tools to increasing employee productivity and comprehensively optimising your business processes and models, AI is the key to a new era of business. Through the strategic use of Automated AI technologies, you can not only simplify your workflows, but also accelerate automated decision-making. Position yourself at the forefront of your market with these significant competitive advantages and don’t miss out on being there in time.

AI: Indispensable for top management and global commercial success
Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the centre of every top management’s strategic agenda. Wer diesen Trend ignoriert, riskiert, im globalen Wettbewerb zurückzufallen. AI agiert als Katalysator für Unternehmenswandel und hebt Innovationen auf ein bisher unerreichtes Niveau. Mit der Fähigkeit, umfangreiche Datenmengen in Echtzeit zu analysieren, liefert AI präzise Einblicke, die die Entscheidungsfindung fundamental verbessern. Sie personalisiert das Kundenerlebnis und fördert so Zufriedenheit sowie Kundenbindung. Indem AI Routineaufgaben automatisiert, ermöglicht sie Fachkräften, ihre Zeit wertvolleren, strategischen Aufgaben zu widmen. The result is a significant increase in efficiency and innovation while reducing costs – a decisive advantage in today’s business world.



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the cusp of redefining business landscapes through breakthrough optimisation of processes, creating unique customer experiences and enabling innovative products and services. With the ability to sift through vast amounts of data, AI enables a deeper understanding of customer preferences, drives efficiency and catalyses innovation. The result? Markedly improved customer service, significant cost savings and the development of new business areas. AI puts companies in the unique position of being able to respond to market developments with agility, customise offers and thus decisively strengthen their market position.


1st Level - AI Strategic Insights

09:00 bis 12:45 Uhr

2nd Level - AI Business Excellence & Operational Quick Wins

13:30 bis 17:00 Uhr


April 2024

Juni 2024

Juli 2024

Voice of

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Your data will of course be treated confidentially and will only be used in the context of the Executive Briefings. We look forward to inspiring you with the latest AI trends and their possible applications for significant competitive advantages in the fashion and retail industry.

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541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,

Phone:  +012.345.6789

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